
Store List
Item List
Shopping List
Item Edition
Quick Search
Tablet Support
Language Support
Import / Export Data

Store List

Optionally, you can manage several stores if you want. There is a special store called “Predefined”. This store comes preloaded, it is not possible to delete it and always is associated to all the existing items. You can add as many additional stores as you need.
When the application is executed for the first time, the active store is the predefined one. As new stores are added, it will be possible to activate any of them and manage their data. Each item may or may not be associated to a given store. If it is not associated, it does not appear in the item list when that store is the active.

Item List

From here you can add, edit or delete items.
When an item is marked as “necessary”, its basket icon is highlighted.
From this function it is also possible to perform additional tasks like reset current stocks and erase "Necessary" marks.

It is also available the possibility of doing sorts both by description or by category. Your sort preference will be saved and restored the next time you enter in this function.
This list only show items associated with the active store. For additional information, check the section Store List.
The active order is shown on the information panel, in the top area or at the left according to the screen orientation.

Shopping List

This is the list you should use while doing shopping.
Here you only see the items marked as “necessary”.
A tap over an item will clear its necessity and remove it from the list.
The quantities shown in the third line represent how many it is necessary to buy from a given item in order to achieve the target stock.
In addition it is also available the possibility of doing sorts both by description or by category. Your sort preference will be saved and restored the next time you enter in this function.

Item Edition

For each item, it is possible to enter several data. Below is an enumeration of them:

  1. Description
    It is the only field whose completion is obligatory.
  2. Category
    Allows to group (and sort in the lists) items according to the category they belong to.
  3. Target Stock
    Is the ideal stock you should have just after going to do your weekly or monthly shopping.
  4. Current Stock
    Is the item existence at a given moment. Before going to shopping, yout should check your current stocks and update them in the application. This way, the application will be able to calculate the correct quantity to buy performing the difference between the target and current stocks.
  5. Stock Unit
    Indicates the unit of measurement used by the target and current stocks.
    Here it is possible to freely enter information in order to complement the other fields.


Used to express the quantities in the different stock types.

Quick Search

With this feature it is possible to quickly find an item inside a large list. Simply use the action containing the magnifying glass icon and a field will appear where you will be able to enter one or more characters as a filter for the description of the wanted item.
All items matching the search criteria will be shown, while the rest will remain hidden.
To close the search section, use the magnifying glass action again or the button at the left of the search text box.


Useful to group several items.
Items with the same category usually are arranged in the same area on supermarkets. Therefore, Perfect Shopping List lets you sort your lists by the category column.

Tablet Support

The application is optimized to support both vertical and horizontal orientation, in addition to arrange itself in order to fit any type of display resolution and size. Therefore the use of Tablets experience is really good.

Language Support

The application supports several languages both for is user interface and the Initial Data Pack.
Currently, the following languages are supported through human translation:

  • Spanish
  • English
In addtion, the following languages are supported through automatic translation:

  • French
  • German
  • Portugues
  • Italian

Import / Export Data

The data stored in the application can be imported and exported. Thus, it is possible to do backup copies or add initial information (for example items) when you begin to use the software, avoiding the need of enter a lot of things by hand.